Wednesday, July 1, 2015

16 days after

Today we are 16 days out of treatment.

Rich is doing better, he still tries to do 'too much' and push the limit, but that is in his nature right now.
He feels that he has fallen behind and lost time to the treatment.

He saw Dr. D, the dentist today and had his teeth and mouth cleaned.  Dr. D said things looked very good in 'there'.
And Dr. D will be making some temporary teeth to fill in the ones that were taken before radiation/chemo treatments. The permanent ones will take longer to make than 30 days.

Rich is pretty excited to 'get' some teeth back!
Watch out world, he will be chasing after steak again!

His throat is still very painful but compared to some cases, I guess he is doing quite well and healing quite fast.
It seems like a miracle ... we don't have an appointment now for nearly a week and a half!

I feel like I could drive to the VA hospital with my eyes closed.  
Total mileage for driving back and forth for treatments and for other appointments since April 28th?

6, 250 miles.

I return to work at midnight tonight.
So things are returning to normal, something I wasn't sure would happen at the end of April.

So far, so good.

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