Dementia with Behavioral Disturbance, unspecified dementia type
This is the Primary Diagnosis for my Mother in Law.
What does this mean?
According to the some articles Dementia is now considered a fatal disease. That said, let's not freak out. Let's look at it logically.
Our brain is an organ that controls the rest of our body. It controls all of our organs. Think of it as our hard drive.
If a segment of the hard drive gets 'corrupted' certain functions of our computer won't work.
Rich is the Financial POA for his mom. It may be a job he is not capable of in the long run. His sister who is 'second' on the POA forms will be moving to Utah in about 8 weeks.
She spent the last two weeks with MIL, seeing how she'd fare in her apartment.
Well, MIL can do most things but her memory is a huge issue. MIL recalls that Mondays at the nursing home are days that they take baths. Her weeks are foggy to her. Certain things from the week before get lost in the memory fog.
So she may not realize that a Monday has arrived and needs that help.
Details regarding medications do stick with her, but if the pill manufacturer changes in any way, she gets rather upset and positive that her meds are incorrect.
Sometimes she has trouble telling day from night.
I signed up for an 8 hour course at, if nothing else, I can learn a bit of how to deal with some of the day to day issues that arise with dementia. Communication is one of the biggest challenges. I need to modify my way of thinking and communicating. The course is free.
We've contacted an attorney and are getting some social workers to her apartment to conduct a Home Evaluation. MIL is sure she will get her 'mind back' and be done with the family invading her spaces. I get that as she has been a strong willed woman who is fierce about her independence.
I've contacted Helping Hands to come out and meet with the both of use also. This way she can have another set of eyes checking on her as I cannot be in two places at once.
We will be investigating Guardianship for mom too. That would allow the family to be family and not be the 'controllers' of her everyday life.
Chronic Kidney Disease is closely linked to issues of behavioral disturbances, dementia, depression, and sleep issues.
Chronic Kidney Disease was her primary diagnosis but she has declined to the level of having 'Dementia' along with it.
One wouldn't think that Kidney issues would affect the brain, right?
The kidneys take out toxins in our blood and dispose of them. However, when the kidneys can't do their job, those toxins reach the brain.
No one likes to think of their parent as infirm. MIL's decline to this present state was very slow, so slow as to be imperceptible except for the past 6 months. Her lack of self care was evident, however we could not force her to seek medical care. It wasn't until she had a fall and was taken to the hospital that we were able to finally get her the medical attention she needed.
To that end, she has done very well. Five weeks of Physical Therapy and socialization, walking, and being on a schedule all improved her physical appearance and the edema in her legs while she was in Rehab.
Since she has returned to her apartment, she has closed her door to the outside world and retreated to her chair and bed.
I do look at the bright spots though. Some days she is the 'angry' upset woman, and then there are those days were she is sunny and happy.
I will have to lean on Social Workers for assistance as I am already the CareGiver to Rich. I'm not sure how to navigate this new issue on my own.
One step at a time, just like our journey through cancer and stroke.