Saturday, December 5, 2015

Wow Tai Chi!

When Dr. Faris, a psychologist recommended we try Tai Chi, I sort of did an internal mental eye roll.

I was sure it would be a dud of an experience.

I was certainly wrong.

We met with the instructor and she explained the basics of Tia Chi to us. We started with the basics [Horse Stance] and learned how to calmly and easily let tension drain out of us.  

So much of what was taught to us regarding breathing, posture, letting the tension flow out of us and gaining a feeling of physical well being ...was so similar to what we did when we ride equine. After a ride I have always felt calm and peaceful.

For me it was so like being in the saddle and mentally taking charge of everything going on around me yet concentrating on making sure that my mount was also relaxed by feeling ME relaxed.

Except that this Tai Chi was not really related to horseback riding, but is an ancient Chinese Martial Art form.  You certainly wouldn't think looking at anyone who is practicing it.

There is no downside to practicing Tai Chi, it can only really have health benefits.

I can't explain everything we did, but I can say that at the end of the session we did what is called 'Body Scan'.

At the end of the 'Body Scan' the therapist looked across at Rich and asked him how he felt.

Rich blinked and sat relaxed in the chair.  He answered softly with some amazement in his voice.
"I don't think I've ever felt this calm, since coming back from Southeast Asia."
He sighed. "I never thought I could achieve this sort of inner peace until I died."

Peace and calm, inner peace and calm.

This did not come from a pill, not from talk therapy, not from anything outside. It came from Rich himself.

Did I feel it?  Yes I did.  

Just call me amazed.
I take back my inner eye roll and fully embrace more Tai Chi for the two of us.

December 17th is our 6 month follow up and CT scan.

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